Famili : Herpesviridae
Subfamili : Alphaherpesvirinae
Genus : Simplexvirus
: Herpes
Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) and Herpes
Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2)
Herpes simplex is an infection caused by herpes simplex virus
(HSV) types 1 and 2. Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can cause genital herpes infections,
but HSV-1 more commonly causes infections of the mouth and lips (blister-like
sores in the mouth and around the lips and on tissues that are in contact with
the mouth, such as a sucked thumb or finger). Herpes simplex infects skin and mucous
membrane which is caused by humanist virus herpes simplex. The infection of herpes can cause many serious implications if the
onset is on the eyes, cervix periphery, newborn babies, or immune defficiency. Herpes simplex is latent infectious
agent on the nerve cell, and
usually has recrudescence. The infection is
lifelong and can reappear at various times in a person’s life.

Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
is included in Herpesviridae (DNA Virus) and only infects humans. The infection
is worldwide. About 10% of the infection is symptomatic primer infection. Most
of HSV-1 infection happen in preschool years and about 70-90% adult world
population has antibody from the previous infections. HVS-2 infection commonly happens on sexual activity,
20% of adults have a high antibody level in multi sex partner and low
sosio-economy category. Males and females of all
ages are at risk. The incubation period is 5 days (about 2-12 days).
Many people have mild or no symptoms. Painful assembled vesicles may appear after
the primer contact with the virus. Primary infection maybe occur no matter
where on the skin. It causes severe blister on the skin. Symptoms may include fever;
irritability; headache; tender, swollen lymph nodes; and small, painful
fluid-filled blisters in the mouth, on the gums or lips, or on sex organs or
the anus. Blisters progress to open sores that crust over and heal within two
to four weeks. Symptoms generally appear between two days and two weeks.
HSV-1 is primarily spread by direct contact through kissing and
contact with open sores or by contact with saliva (example: from
mouthed toys). HSV-2 is usually spread through sexual contact. Both types 1 and
2 may be spread by vaginal, oral or anal sex; contact with an infected person’s
sores; or from an infected mother to her newborn. Most herpes simplex
infections are spread from an infected person who does not have a visible sore.
Pic. Newborn infection
Newborn infections are caused by HSV-2. To
avoid the infection to the baby, surgery or caesarean is needed for expectant
mother with genital herpes lessions. Herpesneonatal infections are more
regular to be symptomatic. Mortality number
from the infections without treatment is 50%.
Indirect contanct through stuff which used by
the infected person, because HSV-2 has envelope. Thus, HSV-2 can live outside
of human body until about 30 minutes.
During the first infection, people shed the virus and can spread
the disease for at least a week and occasionally for several weeks after signs
or symptoms appear. After that first infection, the virus may be shed off and
on for years and possibly lifelong. People with repeated infections shed the
virus for up to five days after signs or symptoms appear. Infected individuals
who have no signs or symptoms may shed lower levels of virus.
A health-care provider can diagnose herpes simplex by visual inspection
or by taking a sample from the sore and testing it in a laboratory. Blood tests
may be used, but the results are not always clear-cut.
Oral herpes simplex infections are
common among children who are in child care or school. Most of these infections
do not result in symptoms. Only children with a first infection and symptoms
and who do not have control of oral secretions should be excluded from child
care. Children with cold sores and recurrent infection do not have to be
excluded from child care or school. Children with uncovered sores on exposed
surfaces pose a small risk to contacts. If children are certified by a
physician to have recurrent infection, covering the sores when they attend
child care or school is sufficient.
To prevent the spread of herpes simplex, exercise
careful and frequent hand washing, avoid kissing or nuzzling children when a
cold sore is present, do not share food or drinks with children or staff, do
not touch sores, and avoid the sharing of respiratory secretions through
contact with objects.
There is no treatment that can cure
herpes simplex; infection is lifelong. Antiviral medications can shorten and
prevent repeated infections during the period of time the person takes the
are generic medicines to help curing HSV infection, such as Acyclovir, Vidarabin,
Idoksuridin topical (for eye membrane), and Trifluridin. They treat genital
Herpes Simplex Virus, herpes labialis, herpes zoster, HSV encephalitis,
neonatal HSV mucocutaneous HSV in patients who have a weakened immune response
(immunocompromised), varicella-zoster.
simplex treatment by acyclovir: 200 mg (400 mg in patients who have a weakened
immune response / immunocompromised or if absorption impaired) 5 times a day,
for 5 days. For children under 2 years are given half the adult dose. Over 2
years given the adult dose. Prevention of recurrent herpes simplex, 200 mg 4
times daily or 400 mg 2 times a day, can be reduced to 200 mg 3 times daily 2 and
interruptions every 6-12 months. Prevention of herpes simplex in
immunocompromised patients, 200-400 mg 4 times daily. Children under 2 years
half adult dose. Same dose over 2 years with an adult dose.
are some simple and conventional treatments which are cheaper, easier, and more
trusted for some people to relieve pain, such as:
Bath salts
Salt water (example: Epsom salt) can be
used to wash the infected area and help clean, soothe and heal wounds. Use 1
tea spoon of salt in 600 ml of water or about a handful of salt in the tub.
Swimming in the sea also shall have the same effect.
A common pain
analgesics can be consumed such as
aspirin and paracetamol. Ice can help if applied directly to the wound.
Pants in a
Wearing loose-fitting clothing made of cotton (not nylon) during an
outbreak can help reduce discomfort and aid recovery.
Relieve pain during urination
For anyone who experienced severe pain during urination, it could be
reduced if done in a cold shower and it is important to remember to drink
plenty of fluids as this dilutes the urine.
Controlled temperature
We can use hair dryer or ice to relief the pain, but
it cannot stop the infection by the virus . If using a hair dryer in the lower rule, it can relieve the pain. Ice can be comforting if wrapped in a towel and applied
directly to the wound.
Flower remedies (example: Bach flower remedies) can be used to reduce the emotional stress caused by
herpes. On the other hand, they have
contra-indications with some medications, so please check with your doctor or
health provider before taking.